Blocking Dark Force Energy: Healing to Be Spiritually Protected

Blocking Dark Force Energy: Healing to Be Spiritually Protected

Hello beautiful souls,

Welcome to today’s blog post on blocking dark force energy and achieving spiritual protection. Over the past few days, many of us have been experiencing intense symptoms such as anxiety and a feeling of inner turmoil. It’s a powerful time of change and healing, and I want to share some insights and guidance to help you navigate this period.

1. Understanding the Symptoms

Lately, I’ve felt a profound sense of anxiety, as if there’s fire beneath my skin. These feelings are part of a larger shift happening within us and around us. We are purging old energies and making way for new, higher frequencies. This process can be uncomfortable, but it’s a necessary step in our spiritual evolution.

2. The Power of Connection

During these times, it’s essential to connect with others who are on a similar journey. Whether you’re joining my free streams or participating in the Inner Circle, engaging with a community can enhance your healing process. By subscribing, liking, and commenting, you create energetic channels that allow you to receive more from the frequency of God and Christ.

3. The Inner Circle: A Path to Deeper Healing

The Inner Circle is a sacred space where we work together to heal and ascend. Here, we clear dark force energies not only for ourselves but also for the collective. This community is about moving from separation to unity, from old Earth to new Earth. By aligning with the frequency of God at zero point, we tap into the balance and harmony necessary for our spiritual journey.

4. Tools for Spiritual Protection

To protect ourselves spiritually, we need to tune out external influences that don’t serve us. This means disconnecting from distractions and focusing on our inner work. In the Inner Circle, we use healing tools and teachings that align us with Christ’s path. This involves connecting, aligning, and anchoring our energy to the divine source, allowing us to embody our true selves.

5. Embracing Your Divine Purpose

Each of us has a unique role to play in the ascension process. As we heal and evolve, we become powerful beings of light capable of dismantling dark systems simply by being our true selves. This journey requires dedication and faith, but the rewards are immense. By investing in yourself, you invite Spirit to invest in you, guiding you towards your divine purpose.

Final Thoughts

Remember, you are a divine, infinite being. The dark force energies may challenge us, but they also provide an opportunity for profound growth and transformation. By joining the Inner Circle and committing to your healing, you align with the highest frequencies and become a beacon of light for others.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we can create a new Earth, anchored in love, unity, and divine truth.

With love and light,

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